Absorbent Definitions and Word Search
Try your hand at the above word search and learn about our range of absorbents at the same time. Warning: This is not for the faint hearted...
Words to find:
Absorbent - Something that absorbs (for instance our pads, booms, mini-booms etc.)... capable of absorbing spills
Argyle Commercial - Australia's Leading Supplier of Spill Response and Environmental Protection Products
Bilge Boom - Put in the bilge of your boat (or in any enclosed place) to absorb oils
Bio-Remediate - This is often done to spill sites, using absorbents with oil eating microbes these nice oil eating microbes eat the absorbed oils to break down and remediate the spill
Coir - Commonly confused with singing, this is actually a highly absorbent loose fibre product
Granules - Although people hold a lot of affection for them, no, it's not your grandma... absorbent granules are the loose absorbents which are applied to spilt liquids
Hydrophobic - Our oil-only pads have no affinity with water in fact water is so scared of our oil-only pads that it gets repelled
Kitty Litter - Absorbent granules, kitty litter, dry absorbent... they are all granular absorbents
Lo-Lint - Sick of fibrous absorbents? Try our lo-lint absorbent pads
Marine Boom - Used to respond to oil spills on water, you can join these booms together into any continuous length and it will absorb the... HEY PRESTO, IT'S GONE!
Mineral - Our mineral absorbent (a fossilised sea sponge) is highly absorbent, and will absorb up to five times as much as regular clay based absorbent granules
Mini-Boom - Although they don't make a sound, the effect they have at a spill reverberates. Super absorbent and easy to use, these absorbent mini-booms are long (1.2 and 2.4m) and skinny (75mm), hence they're often known as absorbent snakes (and warning: ours have a bite)...
Oil - What people spill, what our absorbents absorb - simple. Or for a complicated meaning: any of a large class of substances typically unctuous, viscous, combustible, liquid at ordinary temperatures, and soluble in ether or alcohol but not in water: used for anointing, perfuming, lubricating, illuminating, heating, etc. (ref. Dictionary.com)
Peat - Used as an absorbent, absorbent peat is one of our most popular selling products
Pillow - You're probably getting a bit tired of this sick definitions, but these are actually used for absorbing liquids, especially those drips and continuous leaks
Polypropylene - Our mini-booms, pads, rolls, pillows and marine booms are all made using the highest quality polypropylene absorbents
Spill Kit - Stores absorbents you will find spill kits in bag and wheelie bin configurations wherever you find chemicals or oils
SpillBoss - Simply the best brand of absorbents available on the market. Be the boss: take on the spill head on
This blog post is intended as a guide only, and should not be relied upon as professional and/or legal advice. Argyle Commercial will not be held liable for any damages or losses caused by using information provided in this post as a basis for any decision where any such damages or losses may result.
Tags:Product InformationChemical SpillsArgyle NewsAbsorbentsSpill Kits |
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