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Are your Dangerous Goods storage and handling systems compliant?

Posted by John on 17 October 2014
Are your Dangerous Goods storage and handling systems compliant?

If dangerous goods were being stored next to your house, at the school your children attend, or in the office next to your desk, wouldn't you like to be sure they were being stored and handled correctly?

Apart from the obvious Work Health and Safety issues incorrectly stored Dangerous Goods pose, were you aware that in some instances incorrectly stored Dangerous Goods could render your insurances void?

Did you know that the different Classes of goods e.g. Class 3 Flammables, Class 6 Toxics, are also split into Packaging Groups?  And that most Classes have their own Australian Standard, which directly impacts on the storage and handling of the products?  And that there are also requirements specifically relating to the transport of dangerous and incompatible goods?

So where does all this leave you?  If you're unsure, call us today to discuss your storage and handling requirements.  From internal safety cabinets and aerosol storage cages, to external relocatable Dangerous Goods stores for bulk storage, we have your needs covered for almost all Classes of Dangerous Goods.

Protect yourself, your staff or co-workers, and the environment you work and play in.  Protect the Future!

Tags:Dangerous Goods StorageStoring Chemicals and OilsProduct Information

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