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Company fined $60,000 over Brisbane River oil mishap

Posted on 16 November 2012

A company has been fined $60,000 over an oil spill in the Brisbane River earlier this year.

The GL Lan Xiu, which was carrying 2000 head of livestock, was refuelling at Hamilton in Brisbane in January when the oil spill occurred.
It took less than five minutes for about 4.5 tonnes of oil to spew into the Brisbane River after a valve was not closed properly.
The spill was quickly contained, affecting only a few pelicans and a cormorant.
The ship's owner, Glocal Hong Kong, faced the Brisbane Magistrates Court on Thursday and pleaded guilty to one count of disposing oil in coastal waters.
The court heard the company had no history of environmental incidents and was in negotiations to pay clean-up costs of about $384,000.
The company was fined $60,000 and no conviction was recorded.
Similar charges against the ship's master and chief engineer were discontinued.
Source:  Industry Search
Tags:Chemical SpillsIndustry NewsOil SpillsMarine Spill Control

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