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FloodSax (includes video!)

Posted by Melissa on 10 November 2021
FloodSax (includes video!)

It's FloodSax time again.  November = rain = water = you might need protection from that H²O.

FloodSax are 10mm thick pads that activate on contact with water, and quickly swell to the size of a standard sandbag: one single FloodSax, weighing 800 grams, will absorb up to 22 litres of water - fabulous protection against flooding.

Also please don't forget that it's always handy to have a box lying around in case a pipe springs a leak, or you get toilet backflow, or a blocked drain regurgitates its contents where they are NOT needed, or your dishwasher spills water everywhere.

In fact, this product isn't just handy to have in the workplace but at home too.  For example, when there are severe storms in Sydney or Melbourne, our phones are flooded and our warehousing staff are swept off their feet by the inundation of orders we get.

Of course, we do our utmost to get them all picked and packed on the same day the order is placed, but TNT leaves Goulburn around 4pm.  The order will arrive overnight in most places, which is fast, but honestly, probably not fast enough to beat the storms threatening deluge.

What we're saying is you can stay ahead of the rest of the population and ENSURE your house and business are protected from water damage by ordering a carton of FloodSax right here, right now.

Or you can get this far and think "oh yeah, not bad, I'll do something about this when I'm less busy," HA, come on! ?  We know that won't happen and floods don't wait for you to order your box of FloodSax. ?

You can order now on our website.  Or contact our team on 1800 432 567.



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