Andy's Week - Major Project Using Argyle Silt Curtain

Posted by Andy on 15 August 2014
Andy's Week - Major Project Using Argyle Silt Curtain
They're working down by the river, in the west, across in Perth,
Building bunds and dredging, and moving tons of earth;
All eyes are on the project, just below the CBD,
It's a major undertaking known as Elizabeth Quay. To keep the silt from spreading, and dirtying the river,
Posted in:Andy's WeekSilt CurtainIndustry NewsArgyle News   0 Comments

What should you look for when buying marine absorbent booms?

Posted by Tim on 8 August 2014
What should you look for when buying marine absorbent booms?
Marine absorbent booms are brilliant for responding quickly to marine oil spills, and can also be used proactively to form temporary barriers where oil spills are likely to occur.  However you want to know the booms you plan to use are suited to the application, and won’t cause furt...
Posted in:Product InformationOil SpillsMarine Spill ControlAbsorbents   0 Comments

Rubbish and pollutants escaping down the drain? Stop them NOW!

Posted by Rick on 1 August 2014
Rubbish and pollutants escaping down the drain? Stop them NOW!
With spring almost upon us, it is time to start checking gutters and drains to ensure they are clean and free of debris. With that in mind, Argyle Commercial’s Drain Pollution Guard is on sale this month to make your job even easier. Argyle’s unique cost effective drain pol...
Posted in:Drain ProtectionProduct InformationArgyle News   0 Comments

Basic Spill Response Measures

Posted by John on 25 July 2014
Basic Spill Response Measures
Of course, the easiest spills to respond to are the ones that didn’t happen – that’s why many of our clients store their liquids in compliant permanent or temporary bunded areas or dangerous goods cabinets and stores.  However accidents will happen, and that’s when...
Posted in:Product InformationArgyle NewsAbsorbentsSpill Kit TrainingBunding   0 Comments

Andy's Week - The Ballad of the Argyle Spill Kit

Posted by Andy on 18 July 2014
Andy's Week - The Ballad of the Argyle Spill Kit
If you're looking for a spill kit, then you can't go past the best,
There's no question that the Argyle kit is far above the rest;
Oil-only, general purpose or for chemicals we've got,
With booms and pillows, pads and more, you'll find they have the lot. Particula...
Posted in:Andy's WeekChemical SpillsOil SpillsArgyle NewsMarine Spill ControlAbsorbentsSpill Kits   0 Comments



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